
Branding, Art Direction & Design    |    Agency: Optaros    |    yocoat.com

YoCoat is an online provider of automotive paint supplies that aims to sell direct to body shop owners. I was asked to join the team at Optaros as they were tasked with coming up with the brand, guidelines, look and feel and most importantly, the online store. The branding process was really fun and collaborative. The client team was super enthusiastic and their excitement was contagious.

The site's homepage clearly states the service that YoCoat provides and outlines the key benefits of creating an account.

 The product listing page is clean and easy to scan with a badging system that shows when there are more colors available for a product, when a product is low VOC (a must for states like California) etc. The space around the products elevates the brand above the competition.

Turns out mixing auto paint is no easy task. Products must be compatible and often several products need to work together. A drawer on the product detail page makes it clear which products are required for the current product to work.

The product detail page needs to be easy to scan as customers are often purchasing and comparing products quickly. Extra product information and tutorials are easy to access.

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