
Initial Concept    |    Art Direction & Design    |    Agency: BORN

StriVectin is a high-performance skincare brand that puts efficacy first. They wanted to show that they are bold, no-nonsense… that their stuff "just works" plain and simple. They understood that their audience was educated about skincare and wanted to get straight to the point.

StriVectin's collections are marked by different colored stripes on the right of the packaging. Marking the product detail pages the same way makes it evident that this product is part of a bigger collection.

StriVectin has loads of social proof… showing these testimonials on product hover gives customers confidence that they will achieve results.

I was invoking bold lifestyle brands like SoulCycle who have a powerful image and deliver punchy, inspirational messages when creating these concepts for what would be a homepage with multiple messages that utelizes movement and animation as the visitor scrolls.

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